Clayville Post Office 02815
This page provides details for the Clayville post office located at 479 Field Hill Rd Clayville Rhode Island 02815. Below you will find the post office phone number, hours of operations, what services they provide and other useful information to help you determine if this is the post office location you are looking for. The people working at this location should be able to assist you with things like changing your mailing address, assist in helping you file a claim for missing mail and sell office supplies like stamps, money orders and if available, PO boxes. If you plan to visit this Clayville post office in Rhode Island, then we recommend you contact them first to verify their address and the services they provide, as this may have changed.
Clayville Post Office On-Site Services
- Business Line
- General Delivery
- Global Express GuaranteedĀ®
- Money Orders (Domestic)
- Money Orders (Inquiry)
- Money Orders (International)
- PO Box Online
- Packaged Stamps
- Pickup Accountable Mail
- Pickup Hold Mail
- Priority Mail InternationalĀ®
- Sure Money
- Post Office Location
479 Field Hill Rd
Clayville, RI 02815 - Post Office Phone Numbers
You can call the Clayville post office location at 401-647-9184 (TTY: 877-889-2457). You can fax them at 401-647-2885.
- Update Post Office
If the details for this Clayville post office is incorrect, please click here to submit the updated information.